This website covers the churches of
St Augustine’s, Penarth
Holy Nativity, Penarth
St Dochdwy’s, Llandough
Our group meets Thursdays during term-
Entry is £2 -
Follow the group’s Facebook page or contact Margaret
Additional helpers always welcome.
If you can help set up, please come along earlier
The leader of our Tots group, Margaret Davies, is stepping back having done a marvellous job of getting it going again after Covid and continuing very successfully.
We now need to find a new leader in order for it to continue. It could be a single person or small team. The group meets on Thursday mornings at St Augustine’s Parish Hall. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please contact Fr Mark for more information.
Helpers to set up and make tea & toast etc would also be most welcome.
privacynotice |
Church Officers |
Choir Scholarships |
Groups |
Penarth Tots group |
Friends of St Augustine's |
Open Church |
Christmas Tree Festival |
Weddings |
St Augustine's |
St Dochdwy's |
Holy Nativity |
Accessibility |
St Augustine's (2) |