Penarth Ministry Area Reg Charity 1210418

This website covers the churches of  

St Augustine’s, Penarth

Holy Nativity, Penarth
St Dochdwy’s, Llandough

(Click here for All Saints, Penarth)

FOLK CONCERT Sat 8th Feb 7.30pm St Augustine’s Church. This concert for Welsh Music Day features Mari Mathias + support. Mari’s music mixes intimate moments of storytelling and exhilarating folk sounds. Tickets Early Bird (online only) £10; In Advance (online only) £12; and at the door on the night, £15.

TOTS TEA & TOAST GROUP  The leader of our Tots group, Margaret Davies, is stepping back having done a marvellous job of getting it going again after Covid and continuing very successfully. We now need to find a new leader in order for it to continue. It could be a single person or small team. The group meets on Thursday mornings at St Augustine’s Parish Hall. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please contact Fr Mark for more information. Helpers to set up and make tea & toast etc would also be most welcome.

COMMUNITY CINEMA “Firebrand” on Tues 18th & Thurs 20th Feb SOLD OUT

Films coming up in March BOOK NOW!:

CONCLAVE, a story of mystery and intrigue about the election of a new Pope Wed 19 March. (Thurs 6th Mar, Wed 12 Mar SOLD OUT)

WICKED, the hit musical which is a prequel to The Wizard of OZ, Tues 18 Mar and Thurs 20th March.

 Films start at 7.30pm. Tickets £8 from

MINISTRY AREA QUIZ NIGHT Sat 15th March in St Augustine’s Parish Hall. Doors open 7pm to start at 7.30pm. Join us for a fun general knowledge quiz. Tickets are £5 for individuals with teams of up to 6. You can join a group on the night if you haven’t got 6. There will be a bar and nibbles. Tickets are available at Ticketsource or call the office to book.

SUB WARDEN TEAMS Janet Akers is finishing her time as All Saints Sub-Warden in April. It would be good to find a team of people to share out the various aspects of the role to lighten the load on one person. This can also apply to the sub-warden roles at our other churches. So if you want to get more involved and be a support to our Ministry Area, please get in contact with Mel Griffin or the Clergy to find out more.

FEBRUARY MAGAZINES will be available in churches from this Sunday. Please pick one up or read your digital copy to see lots of interesting articles. Items for March’s magazine should be sent to by 15th Feb.

CYTÛN SUMMER RETREAT This will be from Monday 30th June to Thursday 3rd July at Llangasty costing £318 full board. The booking form and deposit of £40 should be given to Heather Ralis. Booking forms will be available in churches either this week or next week. 

ELECTORAL ROLL If you have recently joined us or come back after a while, please consider joining the Ministry Area’s Electoral Roll. It helps us to keep in touch with you and monitor how well the MA is growing. It also entitles you to vote at the Annual Vestry Meeting or stand for election to the MAC. If you are not on it and would like to be, please fill in a form which can be found at the back of church or contact the MA Office who can send you one. Also, if you changed address in the last year, please let us know to update records.


EMAIL BULLETIN To receive an email copy of the bulletin each week, please email Rachel at the office – you can also unsubscribe at any time.  

Weekly Newsletter

January Magazine

Magazine articles - guidelines & word count



All Saints: Facebook


All Cheques should be made payable to


BACS and standing orders should go to Account: Penarth Ministry Area  

Sort code: 40 36 06 Account no: 71419455

GIFT DIRECT is the best way is to pay a regular amount directly from your bank to the Parish.

We also welcome BACS payments or standing orders: call the Office for bank details.

Contactless payments can be made at St Augustine’s Church


LONELY OR ISOLATED, NEED HELP? If you or someone you know is in need of help, shopping or just a friendly chat, here are numbers to call:

Vale of Glamorgan Crisis team:  01446 729592

Age Cymru Advice line (for over 70s): 08000 223 444