Penarth Ministry Area

This website covers the churches of  

St Augustine’s, Penarth

Holy Nativity, Penarth
St Dochdwy’s, Llandough

(Click here for All Saints, Penarth)

CONFIRMATION UNITED SERVICE 19th JANUARY St Augustine’s at 10am. We hope as many as possible will come to support our Confirmation Candidates, who are a mixture of adults and young people from around the Ministry Area. Refreshments afterwards in St Augustine’s Parish Hall. Please note – no other services in the morning that day.

WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY 18-25 January. Prayer meetings will be at All Saints 1pm-2pm 18th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th and 7.30pm each day on Zoom. (Venue to be confirmed for Monday 20th January). 6pm on Sun 19th January there will be a Cytûn United Service in Tabernacle Church.


The funeral for Beryl Elms is on Tues 21st January at 12.30pm in Holy Nativity.

The funeral for Robert Atkin is on Mon 27th January at 12pm in All Saints.

MUSIC AT LUNCHTIME returns on Monday 20th January at 1pm in All Saints Church, Penarth.  Free entry with retiring collection. Bring your own lunch, refreshments available on the Gallery.

COMMUNITY CINEMA 21st , 22nd & 23rd January 7.30pm in All Saints Lesser Hall. The film will be “The Critic” starring Ian McKellan & Gemma Arterton.  Rated 15. Tickets £8 from

MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS These are now due for 2025. Please fill in the form in the December magazine or in church, or contact the office for one. New subscribers are always welcome. You can also get your magazine as a digital download by email for a reduced price – just tick the box on the form.

ST AUGUSTINE’S FLOWER ROTA The rota for 2025 is now in church, so please sign up if you’d like to donate money for flowers during the year. The suggested amount is £10, but more is very welcome, and should be given to Susie Ryall the week before.

ELECTORAL ROLL If you have recently joined us or come back after a while, please consider joining the Ministry Area’s Electoral Roll. It helps us to keep in touch with you and monitor how well the MA is growing. It also entitles you to vote at the Annual Vestry Meeting or stand for election to the MAC. If you are not on it and would like to be, please fill in a form which can be found at the back of church or contact the MA Office who can send you one. Also, if you changed address in the last year, please let us know to update records.

CHARITABLE STATUS With effect from 1 January 2025, Penarth Ministry Area become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, in line with similar changes taking place in other Ministry Areas across the Church in Wales.  This change in status will simplify the governance of the Ministry Area. Our change of legal status will not affect the ongoing work of the Ministry Area in any material respects.


EMAIL BULLETIN To receive an email copy of the bulletin each week, please email Rachel at the office – you can also unsubscribe at any time.  

Weekly Newsletter

December Magazine

Magazine articles - guidelines & word count



All Saints: Facebook


All Cheques should be made payable to


BACS and standing orders should go to Account: Penarth Ministry Area  

Sort code: 40 36 06 Account no: 71419455

GIFT DIRECT is the best way is to pay a regular amount directly from your bank to the Parish.

We also welcome BACS payments or standing orders: call the Office for bank details.

Contactless payments can be made at St Augustine’s Church


LONELY OR ISOLATED, NEED HELP? If you or someone you know is in need of help, shopping or just a friendly chat, here are numbers to call:

Vale of Glamorgan Crisis team:  01446 729592

Age Cymru Advice line (for over 70s): 08000 223 444