Penarth Ministry Area

This website covers the churches of  

St Augustine’s, Penarth

Holy Nativity, Penarth
St Dochdwy’s, Llandough

(Click here for All Saints, Penarth)


Please check the newsletter or call the office for any changes to the usual services


9.15 am  Sung Eucharist at Holy Nativity

9.15 am  Sung Eucharist at St Dochdwy’s

10.45 am  Sung Eucharist at St Augustine’s


First Tuesday of the month

10.30am    Eucharist at Holy Nativity


Wed 10.00am Eucharist at St Augustine’s


Second Thursday of the month

 10.30am Eucharist at St Dochdwy’s



Wine will be offered at Communion for those who would like to receive it. There is no pressure for anyone to do so, please just follow the instructions given before or during the service.

Worship is at the centre of life within our Parish community. The heart of it is the celebration of the Parish Mass, the Eucharist, the service instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Supper when He gave the command ‘do this in remembrance of Me’

Our main Sunday services are quite formal but also relaxed, dignified and friendly. The liturgy is carefully planned with music that is inspiring and uplifting.  The clergy aim to give challenging sermons that both educate and inspire. After each Sunday service there is always an opportunity to chat and meet each other over coffee and biscuits.

Midweek services are held every week.

Communion for those unable to come to Church: The Blessed Sacrament is perpetually reserved and communion at home can be arranged at any time.

Anointing of the Sick: The Holy Oils are reserved in Church for Anointing the Sick - please contact Fr Mark.